Optimism Multisig


This is an example where FPS is used to make proposals for the Optimism Multisig on mainnet. This example upgrades the L1 NFT Bridge contract. The Optimism Multisig calls upgrade on the proxy contract to upgrade the implementation to a new MockUpgrade.

The following contract is present in the mocks folder.

Let's go through each of the functions that are overridden:

  • name(): Defines the name of your proposal.

    function name() public pure override returns (string memory) {
        return "OPTIMISM_MULTISIG_MOCK";
  • description(): Provides a detailed description of your proposal.

    function description() public pure override returns (string memory) {
        return "Mock proposal that upgrades the L1 NFT Bridge";
  • deploy(): This example demonstrates the deployment of the new MockUpgrade, which will be used as the new implementation for the proxy.

    function deploy() public override {
        if (!addresses.isAddressSet("OPTIMISM_L1_NFT_BRIDGE_IMPLEMENTATION")) {
            address l1NFTBridgeImplementation = address(new MockUpgrade());

    Since these changes do not persist from runs themselves, after the contracts are deployed, the user must update the Addresses.json file with the newly deployed contract addresses.

  • build(): Add actions to the proposal contract. In this example, the L1 NFT Bridge is upgraded to a new implementation. The actions should be written in solidity code and in the order they should be executed. Any calls (except to the Addresses object) will be recorded and stored as actions to execute in the run function. The caller address is passed into buildModifier that will call actions in build. The caller is the Optimism Multisig for this example. The buildModifier is a necessary modifier for the build function and will not work without it. For further reading, see the build function.

    function build()
        /// STATICCALL -- not recorded for the run stage
        IProxyAdmin proxy = IProxyAdmin(
        /// CALLS -- mutative and recorded
  • run(): Sets up the environment for running the proposal, and executes all proposal actions. This sets addresses, primaryForkId, and calls super.run() to run the entire proposal. In this example, primaryForkId is set to mainnet and selecting the fork for running the proposal. Next, the addresses object is set by reading from the JSON file. For further reading, see the run function.

    function run() public override {
        // Create and select mainnet fork for proposal execution.
        primaryForkId = vm.createFork("mainnet");
        uint256[] memory chainIds = new uint256[](1);
        chainIds[0] = 1;
        // Set the addresses object by reading addresses from the JSON file.
            new Addresses(
                vm.envOr("ADDRESSES_PATH", string("./addresses")), chainIds
        // Call the run function of parent contract 'Proposal.sol'.
  • simulate(): Executes the proposal actions outlined in the build() step. This function performs a call to _simulateActions() from the inherited MultisigProposal contract. Internally, _simulateActions() simulates a call to the Multicall3 contract with the calldata generated from the actions set up in the build step.

    function simulate() public override {
        // get multisig address
        address multisig = addresses.getAddress("OPTIMISM_MULTISIG");
        // simulate all actions in 'build' functions through multisig
  • validate(): Validates that the implementation is upgraded correctly.

    function validate() public override {
        // get proxy address
        IProxy proxy = IProxy(
        // implementation() caller must be the owner
        // ensure implementation is upgraded
            proxy.implementation() ==
            "Proxy implementation not set"

Running the Proposal

forge script mocks/MockMultisigProposal.sol --fork-url mainnet

All required addresses should be in the JSON file, including the DEPLOYER_EOA address, which will deploy the new contracts. If these do not align, the script execution will fail.

The script will output the following:

== Logs ==

--------- Addresses added ---------
          "addr": "0x714CB817EfD08fEe91558b07A924a87C3587F3C1",
          "isContract": true,

---------------- Proposal Description ----------------
  Mock proposal that upgrade the L1 NFT Bridge

------------------ Proposal Actions ------------------
  1). calling OPTIMISM_PROXY_ADMIN @0x543bA4AADBAb8f9025686Bd03993043599c6fB04 with 0 eth and 0x99a88ec40000000000000000000000005a7749f83b81b301cab5f48eb8516b986daef23d000000000000000000000000714cb817efd08fee91558b07a924a87c3587f3c1 data.
  target: OPTIMISM_PROXY_ADMIN @0x543bA4AADBAb8f9025686Bd03993043599c6fB04

----------------- Proposal Changes ---------------

 OPTIMISM_L1_NFT_BRIDGE_PROXY @0x5a7749f83b81B301cAb5f48EB8516B986DAef23D:

 State Changes:
  Slot: 0x360894a13ba1a3210667c828492db98dca3e2076cc3735a920a3ca505d382bbc
  -  0x000000000000000000000000ae2af01232a6c4a4d3012c5ec5b1b35059caf10d
  +  0x000000000000000000000000714cb817efd08fee91558b07a924a87c3587f3c1

------------------ Proposal Calldata ------------------

Last updated