FPS enables the simulation of proposals within integration tests. This capability is essential for verifying the functionality of your proposals and ensuring they don't break existing features. Additionally, it allows testing of the entire proposal lifecycle, including governance proposals and deployment scripts. This guide illustrates writing integration tests with the Multisig example from our Multisig Proposal Guide. These integration tests have already been implemented in the fps-example repo.
Setting Up PostProposalCheck.sol
The first step is to create a PostProposalCheck.sol contract, which serves as a base for your integration test contracts. This contract is responsible for deploying proposal contracts, executing them, and updating the addresses object. This allows integration tests to run against the newly updated state after all changes from the governance proposal go into effect.
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@forge-std/Test.sol";
import { MultisigProposal } from "@forge-proposal-simulator/src/proposals/MultisigProposal.sol";
import { Addresses } from "@forge-proposal-simulator/addresses/Addresses.sol";
// @notice this is a helper contract to execute proposals before running integration tests.
// @dev should be inherited by integration test contracts.
contract MultisigPostProposalCheck is Test {
Addresses public addresses;
function setUp() public virtual {
string[] memory inputs = new string[](2);
inputs[0] = "./get-latest-proposal.sh";
inputs[1] = "MultisigProposal";
string memory output = string(vm.ffi(inputs));
MultisigProposal multisigProposal = MultisigProposal(
// Execute proposals
addresses = multisigProposal.addresses();
Creating a script that returns the latest proposal based on the type of proposal.
# Find proposal directories and get the latest one
LATEST_PROPOSAL_DIR=$(ls -1v ${BASE_DIR}/ | grep "^$PROPOSAL_TYPE" | tail -n 1)
# Print the path to the latest proposal artifact json file
Creating Integration Test Contracts
Next, the creation of the MultisigProposalIntegrationTest contract is required, which will inherit from MultisigPostProposalCheck. Tests should be added to this contract. Utilize the addresses object within this contract to access the addresses of the contracts that have been deployed by the proposals.
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import { Vault } from "src/mocks/Vault.sol";
import { Token } from "src/mocks/Token.sol";
import { MultisigPostProposalCheck } from "./MultisigPostProposalCheck.sol";
// @dev This test contract inherits MultisigPostProposalCheck, granting it
// the ability to interact with state modifications effected by proposals
// and to work with newly deployed contracts, if applicable.
contract MultisigProposalIntegrationTest is MultisigPostProposalCheck {
// Tests adding a token to the whitelist in the Vault contract
function test_addTokenToWhitelist() public {
// Retrieves the Vault instance using its address from the Addresses contract
Vault multisigVault = Vault(addresses.getAddress("MULTISIG_VAULT"));
// Retrieves the address of the multisig wallet
address multisig = addresses.getAddress("DEV_MULTISIG");
// Creates a new instance of Token
Token token = new Token();
// Sets the next caller of the function to be the multisig address
// Whitelists the newly created token in the Vault
multisigVault.whitelistToken(address(token), true);
// Asserts that the token is successfully whitelisted
"Token should be whitelisted"
// Tests deposit functionality in the Vault contract
function test_depositToVault() public {
// Retrieves the Vault instance using its address from the Addresses contract
Vault multisigVault = Vault(addresses.getAddress("MULTISIG_VAULT"));
// Retrieves the address of the multisig wallet
address multisig = addresses.getAddress("DEV_MULTISIG");
// Retrieves the address of the token to be deposited
address token = addresses.getAddress("MULTISIG_TOKEN");
(uint256 prevDeposits, ) = multisigVault.deposits(
uint256 depositAmount = 100;
// Starts a prank session with the multisig address as the caller
// Mints 100 tokens to the multisig contract's address
Token(token).mint(multisig, depositAmount);
// Approves the Vault to spend depositAmount tokens
Token(token).approve(address(multisigVault), depositAmount);
// Deposits depositAmount tokens into the Vault
multisigVault.deposit(address(token), depositAmount);
// Retrieves the deposit amount of the token in the Vault for the multisig address
(uint256 amount, ) = multisigVault.deposits(address(token), multisig);
// Asserts that the deposit amount is equal to previous deposit + depositAmount
amount == prevDeposits + depositAmount,
"Token should be deposited"
Running Integration Tests
Executing the integration tests triggers the setUp() function before each test, ensuring the tests are always executed on a fresh state after the proposals execution.
forge test --mc MultisigProposalIntegrationTest -vvv --ffi